

作者: William Strunk Jr.   译者: 陈湘阳


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规则: 使用主动语态。



I shall always remember my first visit to Boston.


My first visit to Boston will always be remembered by me.

第二个句子显得迂回、无力而冗长。若想让句子更简洁而把 by me 去掉,写成My first visit to Boston will always be remembered. 我生平第一趟波士顿之旅会永远被铭记在心。



The dramatists of the Restoration are little esteemed to-day.

Modern readers have little esteem or the dramatist of the Restoration.



(×) Gold was not allowed to be exported.
(○)It was forbidden to export gold.
(○)The export of gold was prohibited.

(×)He has been proved to have been seen entering the building.
(○)It has been proved that he was seen to enter the building.

在两个未修改的句子中,gold 和he 原本应与第二个被动动词export 和see 相关,却被当作第一个被动动词allow 和prove 的主词。


(×)A survey of this region was made in 1900.
(○)The region was surveyed in 1900.
曾有人在1900 年调查这个区域。

(×) Mobilization of the army was rapidly effected.
(○)The army was rapidly mobilized.

(×) Confirmation of these reports cannot be obtained.
(○)These reports cannot be confirmed.

第一句的made、第二句的e ected、第三句的obtained 是毫无意义的动词,这些字词除了完成句子外,没有其他功能。

* * *


RULE10 Use the active voice.

The active voice is usually more direct and vigorous than the passive:

I shall always remember my first visit to Boston.

This is much better than

My first visit to Boston will always be remembered by me.

The latter sentence is less direct, less bold, and less concise. If the writer tries to make it more concise by omitting “by me,”

My first visit to Boston will always be remembered.

it becomes indefinite: is it the writer, or some person undisclosed, or the world at large, that will always remember this visit?

This rule does not, of course, mean that the writer should entirely discard the passive voice, which is frequently convenient and sometimes necessary.

The dramatists of the Restoration are little esteemed to-day.Modern readers have little esteem for the dramatists of the Restoration.

The first would be the right form in a paragraph on the dramatists of the Restoration; the second, in a paragraph on the tastes of modern readers. The need of making a particular word the subject of the sentence will often, as in these examples, determine which voice is to be used.

As a rule, avoid making one passive depend directly upon another.

(×)Gold was not allowed to be exported.
(○)It was forbidden to export gold.
(○)The export of gold was prohibited.

(×)He has been proved to have been seen entering the building.
(○)It has been proved that he was seen to enter the building.

In both the examples above, before correction, the word properly related to the second passive is made the subject of the first.

A common fault is to use as the subject of a passive construction a noun which expresses the entire action, leaving to the verb no function beyond that of completing the sentence.

(×)A survey of this region was made in 1900.
(○)This region was surveyed in 1900.

(×)Mobilization of the army was rapidly effected.
(○)The army was rapidly mobilized.

(×)Confirmation of these reports cannot be obtained.
(○)These reports cannot be confirmed.


─ ─摘自:《英文写作圣经《The Elements of Style》》野人出版提供@



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