
“三百六十行 行行出状元”“Every Trade Has Its Master”



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中国有句老话,叫“三百六十行 行行出状元”。近日在美国新泽西的一次亲身经历,让我对这句话有了更深的体会。












停车场标牌。car park sign.(曾铮博客)
我的毫无特色的车钥匙。My very ordinary looking car key.(曾铮博客)




There is an old saying in China that “Every trade has its master”. Recently, I had a wonderful personal experience in the US that truly illustrated this ancient Chinese wisdom.

On May 4, 2017, before watching at the , I randomly drove into a public car park near the theater. After stoping my car, I was asked to leave the key inside. Then I walked to a nearby restaurant to have my lunch.

It was still quite early after I had finished lunch; so I walked back to my car to take a rest. While I was inside the car, a staff member, a fairly young man walked over and drove me into the shade of the tall building next to the car park, saying it was cooler there. He also asked me when I intended to leave; and I told him that I was here for the Shen Yun performance and would leave at about 4:00 pm, when the show was over.

Before he left my car, he reminded me to keep my windows open so that the car wouldn’t get too hot inside. I was very much moved by his thoughtfulness.

After the show had finished, I walked back to the car park. As soon as he saw me, the young man who had driven my car before, immediately pointed to the car and said to me, “This is your car, right?

Sure enough, that was my car, only it had been moved to a third spot, which was now very close to the exit. I was astonished by the fact that he had actually managed to remember which car was mine as there were hundreds of different cars in the parking area. I asked him in surprise, “How did you remember that this is my car out of those hundreds of cars in the car park?” He smiled quietly and said, “I try my best.”

Then he led me to the corner of the car park so I could then pay for the parking. After the payment was done, he immediately fetched my key, which was hung on the wall with dozens, if not hundreds, of other keys of all sorts; and handed it to me.

I was again shocked by the fact that he knew exactly which key belonged to me that I started thinking that the key he handed me didn’t quite look like mine. I had not attached any other personal items to the key, so it looked quite similar to any other car key.

So I asked him again, “Are you sure this is my key? How do you remember that this one is mine when there are so many keys?” He smiled and once again said, “I try my best.”

Still not quite sure, I said to him, “Well, I will try it. If it isn’t mine, I will come back to you.”

I walked to my car, and opened it with the key! And it was so easy to drive away as the car was just next the exit!

I am still wondering as to how that young man had managed to remember which car was whose; which key belonged to which car, which car was parked where, and who was going to leave when?

By the way, I took the above photo of the car parking sign before I left the car park for lunch, in case I couldn’t find it afterwards. Have you ever experienced panic when you couldn’t find where you had parked your car, or when you did find the car park, but just couldn’t locate your car as the parking area was just too big and had too many different levels? If you have, you must be as amazed as I was by this young man attending this car park. For me, he is definitely the master of his trade!

If each of us could put as much heart into what this young man is doing in his work, and be as kind and thoughtful, how many more inspiring experiences we could have within our daily lives!



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