组图:柏林卡车恐袭后 鲜花蜡烛寄哀思

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(从左到右)柏林市长穆勒、德国总理默克尔、德国内政部长德梅齐埃、德国外交部长施泰因迈尔和柏林内政部长盖泽尔于12月20日为柏林圣诞广告卡车恐袭中的死难者献花。 (Michela Tantussi/Getty Images)
(从左到右)柏林市长穆勒、德国总理默克尔、德国内政部长德梅齐埃、德国外交部长施泰因迈尔和德国内政部长盖泽尔于12月20日为柏林圣诞广告卡车恐袭中的死难者献花。 (Michela Tantussi/Getty Images)
在遭受卡车恐袭的柏林圣诞市场的入口处,柏林市民在次日点燃蜡烛,献上鲜花,以表悼念。(Michele Tantussi/Getty Images)
在遭受卡车恐袭的柏林圣诞市场的入口处,柏林市民在次日点燃蜡烛,献上鲜花,以表悼念。(Michele Tantussi/Getty Images)
在遭受卡车恐袭的柏林圣诞市场的入口处,柏林市民在次日点燃蜡烛,献上鲜花,以表悼念。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
柏林纪念教堂旁的一个广告牌变成了悼念恐袭死难者的纪念牌。12月19日一辆卡车冲进柏林Breitscheidplatz广场上的圣诞广场,12人死,近50人受伤。事发地点离这里不远。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
BERLIN, GERMANY - DECEMBER 20: A message reading freedom on Earth lays between flowers at the area after a lorry truck ploughed through a Christmas market on December 20, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. So far 12 people are confirmed dead and 45 injured. Authorities have confirmed they believe the incident was an attack and have arrested a Pakistani man who they believe was the driver of the truck and who had fled immediately after the attack. Among the dead are a Polish man who was found on the passenger seat of the truck. Police are investigating the possibility that the truck, which belongs to a Polish trucking company, was stolen yesterday morning. (Photo by Michele Tantussi/Getty Images)
柏林人用鲜花和蜡烛纪念恐袭死难者。(Michele Tantussi/Getty Images)
在遭受卡车恐袭的柏林圣诞市场的入口处,柏林市民在次日点燃蜡烛,献上鲜花,以表悼念。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
在遭受卡车恐袭的柏林圣诞市场的入口处,柏林市民在次日点燃蜡烛,献上鲜花,以表悼念。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
在遭受卡车恐袭的柏林圣诞市场后,柏林市民纷纷前来悼念死难者。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
柏林人在悼念受难的人(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
手持蜡烛的柏林人悼念受难者(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
恐袭地点和周围的街道将封锁长达几天。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
恐袭地点和周围的街道将封锁长达几天。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
恐袭地点和周围的街道将封锁长达几天。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
恐袭地点和周围的街道将封锁长达几天。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)


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