
Hello英语(第三十八课):租公寓 (下)

Renting an apartment part II
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对话 (一)

A= Do you like the apartment?
B= Yes I do, but I have a few more questions.

A= What are they?

B= If something is broken, who do I call to fix it?
A= You can call our maintenance man.

B= Who will pay for it?
A= If you break the item, you will pay for it. If the item breaks by itself,we will pay for it.

B= Great. How long is the lease?
A= Our standard lease is for 12 months.

B= When can I move in?

A= You can move in tomorrow if you want?


Question 问题
Something 东西, 事情
Broken 坏了,破碎了
Fix 修理
Maintenance 保养
Maintenance man 修理工
Break 损坏,打破
Item 个别物体,东西, 条款
How long? 多长时间?多久
Lease 租约
Standard 标准的
standard lease 标准租约
move 搬家

A= Do you like the apartment? 你喜欢这个公寓吗?
B= Yes I do, but I have a few more questions. 喜欢,但我有几个问题/

A= What are they? 什么问题?

B= If something is broken, who do I call to fix it? 如果什么东西坏了,我

A= You can call our maintenance man. 你可以给我们的修理工打电话。

B= Who will pay for it? 谁花钱?

A= If you break the item, you will pay for it. If the item breaks by itself,we will pay for it. 如果是你搞坏的,你花钱,如果是自己坏的,我们花。

B= Great. How long is the lease? 太好了,租约是多长时间?

A= Our standard lease is for 12 months. 我们正常的租约是12个月。

B= When can I move in? 我什么时候可以搬进来?

A= You can move in tomorrow if you want? 如果你想的话,你明天就可以搬。

对话 (二)

A= I want the one bedroom apartment.
B= Great! That will be 650 dollars a month.

A= No problem.

B= We also need a security deposit of 650 dollars.

A= So that comes to 1300 dollars right now.

B= That is correct.

A= I have a car. Is there a parking fee?

B= No there isn’t. Each apartment has one free parking space.

A= That’s good.

B = Here is our standard lease for 12 months.

A= Okay.

B= Please read it and sign it at the bottom.

A= I’m finished. Here is your money.

B= Here is your key. You can move in at any time.

A= Thank you.

B= Have a nice day.

* * *

Great 很好
Security 安全
Deposit 押金
Security Deposit 安全押金
that comes to
right now 现在。
correct 正确的
parking 停车
parking fee 停车费
sign 标牌
bottom 底下
sign it at the bottom 在底下签字。
finished 完成了
key 钥匙
any 任何
any time 何时间

─ ─转载自新唐人电视台网

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